(Македонски) Компаративна анализа на извештаите на Европската комисија 2010-2013

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Macedonia – A country in crisis


Macedonia is a country in deep trouble. There is a climate of mistrust between all the political parties; intolerance of minority groups is increasing and fear is also generated by the all-pervasive control of the main governing party. In 2009 the European Commission recommended that a date be set for accession negotiations to start, but since then the country’s efforts to join the EU (and NATO) have been blocked. Author Erwan Fouéré sets out ten clear recommendations for both Macedonia and the EU on the way forward.

Erwan Fouéré is Associate Senior Research Fellow at CEPS and former European Union Special Representative and Ambassador,  Head of Delegation in Republic of Macedonia.

The document can be downloaded here.

(Македонски) ВТОРА ШАНСА ИЛИ РЕЦИКЛИРАЊЕ Бриф за програмирањето на Инструментот за претпристапна помош (ИПА II)

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The Macedonian Centre for European Training (MCET) and the Foundation Open Society- Macedonia (FOSM) have published the Eighteenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report. The document titled WIN-WIN POLICY is available here.


GIZ Regional Conference “From IPA to Cohesion Policy”

In the period 12-14th June 2013, four representatives from the Macedonian Centre for European Training (MCET)[1] participated on the regional conference titled “From IPA to Cohesion Policy” organised by the German international development (GIZ) in partnership with the Institute for European Politics (EIP) from Berlin. The regional conference took place in Zagreb.

The purpose of the conference was to shed light on the changes of the pre-accession instrument (IPA) and the arising challenges of transition from IPA to the Cohesion Policy (in the case of Croatia), by bringing together the participants of the GIZ Human Capacity Development Programme from all over South Eastern Europe. In addition, regional needs were identified and analysed by exchanging information and by networking.

The regional conference had a two-fold approach, covering in-depth expertise on the new IPA II, on the one hand and bringing together regional partners, GIZ fellows and alumni to strengthen a regional pool of expertise on the other.

The conference was structured along the following subjects:

1. IPA as key instrument for shaping pre-accession and accession policy and its input within a regional set-up.

2. Analysis of the state of play of IPA and cohesion policy-related Acquis chapters and the debate on EU integration within the countries of South Eastern Europe – perspectives from different countries and cardinal meaning of the EU integration process.

3. Capacity Building and promotion of national ownership.

4. Strengthening networks for regional cooperation, their use and perspectives.

The conference included high profile keynote speakers and panel discussions as well as individual exercises and workshop sessions. Experience and input by participants was used to initiate discussions and to compare different realities.

The Agenda of the regional conference can be found here Agenda Zagreb (226).

The list of participants is available here [Download not found].

[1] Lidija Dimova, Dimitar Nikolovski, Natasha Jovanova and Filip Tosevski.

(Македонски) Реакција на МЦЕО на Демантот на здружението ПОРАКА НОВА

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(Македонски) Реакција на МЦЕО на Ставот на Националната агенција за европски образовни програми и мобилност во врска со новинарски прашања објавен на нивната веб страна на 11.04.2013 година

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Seventeenth Quarterly Accession Watch Report “Youth Inaction”


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